Saturday, September 22, 2007

In Tyler We Trust - Lessons Learned From Fight Club

These are some of the ideas and ideals I take from the film, things I tell myself all the time. You can laugh, if you want, at this personal revelation; so what? Anyone who reads these blogs or knows me at all understands that my life is buried in the movies, and it's damn near impossible to dig me out of them.

The things you own end up owning you.
It's more than just the idea of material possessions; it's everything you feel is yours. The more you concern yourself with them, and their well-being, the more they shape your life, your day, your every thought. You want, you need, you earn, you gather, and what do you really have? Objects. Ideas. What do you do with them? You keep them, and that's all. To truly own something it has to be a part of you even out of your possession. You have to let it all go. You don't have to sell everything you own (good luck getting me to sell my DVD collection!), but you have to think of them as not belonging to you. They are there for you, you don't own them.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.
So whatever you wish you were doing, stop wishing and work for it. Stop wasting time on what you don't want, what no one wants, and move the fuck forward! Human progress means humanity, not personal gain. Where are you going and what are you doing? What have you accomplished that makes you proud? Are you living, or merely alive? Are you a force of positive energy in the realm of humanity? Or is your existence ticking away with the rest of the unconscious universe? Wake the fuck up; this is your LIFE!

Stop trying to control everything and just let go.
So it's your life, but you're not in charge of much. You're only in charge of you. The rest of life is all around you, not a part of you. It's out of your hands, out of your reach, out of your control. To enjoy it you must become a part of it, not try to make it part of you.

I know it's just a movie, but there are always deeper philosophies in the movies than what shows up on the surface. There are even more great lines in the movie that carry a lot of meaning. If you never watched it for more than its entertainment value, check it out and give it some thought. If you've never even seen the movie, wake the fuck up!

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