Thursday, January 26, 2012

Best Movies Of 2011 (of what I saw this year)

Okay, I'm a bit late with this...but everything on the internet is either immediately forgotten or forever timeless, right? So I can shoot for timeless, and hope for the best.

Remember, this is not a best-of list for movies released in 2011, but of those I happened (managed) to see throughout the year. Usually for free, from the library (I'm kinda broke). And since I can't necessarily see everything I want to, these movies stand out from the bunch, because I'll watch anything I can get my eyes on...anything.

If you haven't seen these movies, see them! If you have, tell me what you think!

Black Swan
Brought me back into the Aronofsky camp (tentatively). I can't stand The Fountain and I hate The Wrestler, so I picked it up with some trepidation - but this is finally the same guy who made Pi & Requiem For A Dream, and I like that guy. His movies, anyway. And, Oscars aside, Natalie Portman is very good here. So are Mila Kunis, Winona Ryder, & Barbara Hershey. Truly, truly good.

(500) Days Of Summer
What I mainly respond to here is the emotional reality it portrays of being in a relationship that isn't what you thought it was or wanted it to that regard, it's brilliant. It's also occasionally silly and broadly comic, but hey, it's a movie! And it has a wonderful balance of drama among the goofy jokes and full-on musical numbers.

Cold Souls
An inventive idea, well executed, with Paul Giamatti at his most Paul Giamattiish  - playing a fictional version of himself. Often amazing, always enjoyable, and with many great little touches here and there. Must-watch deleted scenes on the DVD: variations of his literally soul-less rehearsals for Uncle Vanya. Utterly priceless, and hilarious.

Robin Hood
So what if Ridley Scott almost completely changed one of the most highly touted screenplays of the last few years! So what if Russell Crowe is the oldest actor (45 at the time) to play the role! It's a good story - conflict, action, a bit of romance - and a new look at a familiar legend. Judge it on its own terms and it's definitely entertaining.

Black Dynamite
I'm not even sure what to say about this; it speaks for itself so incredibly well. This movie is crazy funny, even if you've never seen an example of the films they're making fun of. Because you've certainly seen poorly made cinematic trash before, which is mainly what this movie celebrates. Honestly, just rent it. Just watch it. Guaranteed chuckles, I promise you.

How To Train Your Dragon
While there is a certain simplicity in the storytelling here, being a movie aimed at children, it's still funny, touching, and beautifully animated. No pandering to the audience, no stupid crap you often see in kid-friendly movies...just good old-fashioned fun. And no, it doesn't make sense that vikings would sound either Scottish or American, but come on - DRAGONS!

Coming soon: The Worst Of 2011. There will be swearing...

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